Still searching….

Well….I am still searching for today’s topic but nothing is grabbing me right now…I think I’m having outrage fatigue there are so many bad things going on…think about having your internet go away? Or going to have to pay 3 times more for it? That’s going to happen next week once the idiot trump and his cronies gut net neutrality…you know, the rule in place now that make all ISP’s treat all internet traffic the same…the new rules will allow the ISP’s to do whatever the hell they want…block a competitor’s websites? Yep…block a competitor’s browser from being used on their service? Yep…charge extra for internet traffic that is now all available to everyone? Yep…throttle down sites that they don’t agree with? Yep….kill competitors before they can challenge the big guys like ATT and Verizon? Yep…all of that and even more will happen with the new rules that give the rich companies exactly what they paid for when they bought themselves the repub party…oh, I guess I did have a topic…sometimes they sneak up on me….impeach…

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