Walmart is still evil…

Well….we all know that Walmart is one of the most evil companies in the world and one of the biggest corporate welfare queens, getting almost 7 billion dollars in subsidies for it’s workers since they pay them so little they are eligible for both medicaid and food stamps; that we pay for out of our tax dollars….and they just bought themselves a tax cut that will go straight into the Walton’s pockets…but they have a new little twist they are pulling across the country at their stores….while out of one side of their mouths, Walmart continued to tell the lie that the tax cut will spur job growth…and we have to remember that has never happened from ANY tax cut the idiot repubs have tried…while out of the other side of their mouths they informed thousands of management level employees that their jobs are being eliminated…and here is the real evil kicker…the ones let go are being allowed to re-apply for the new job classification that will pay almost 30% less than the jobs they were doing….and the jobs aren’t changing at all…the ones re-hired will be doing exactly the same jobs but for 30% less than they were making…that, in my book, is just one of the most evil things I have ever seen…but what do I expect from one of the most evil corporations in the world? Geez….

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