Well…with all of the evidence that Russian media was part of the propaganda that lead to the installation of trump that is ruining this country, there are still many of these same outlets continuing to do damage by publishing slanted, lie filled news articles in support of trump. One of the worst is the Russian site RT, whose propaganda is constantly picked up and re-published by almost all of the right wing “news” sites. Just yesterday, RT published a story (that came up in my google newsstand feed) alleging that Obama had interfered in the investigation of Hillary’s e-mails, part of RT’s ongoing effort to undermine the Mueller investigation…and, none of it was true…Obama talked to the FBI, but it was to find out what they had on the Russian interference in our elections….not about e-mails or anything else. So, do not read anything that comes out of RT…everything they publish is what Putin wants people here to believe…and it is all lies….