Well….have just been watching the news coverage of the huge marches going on across the country to show how much support there is for sensible gun law reform in this country. Hundreds of thousands of people are marching in DC, rivaling the largest turnouts for any issue in history…and there are rallies and marches going on in over 800 cities across this country as well as across the globe where youngsters are showing their support of the youth of this country who are going up against the NRA and their bought and paid for legislators who won’t even talk about what can be done to keep any more kids from being slaughtered. This has a feel to it of real change….that it is the start of something new…that millions of young voters are not going to let these murders happen anymore….one heartening thing is that over 60% of the young voters identify as dems and that has to have the NRA and it’s lackeys shaking in their boots since this is the largest generation in the electorate…but it is not just gun control, if we can keep this new generation engaged there can be sanity restored and finally we can consign the repubs to the ash heap of history where they belong….go kids!