Well….I probably shouldn’t be surprised that another repub just stood up and said that he won’t listen to anyone unless they give him cash…but damn, to come out and admit you have committed crimes throughout your political career seems to be a wee bit too much. That’s exactly what Mick Mulvaney did yesterday when he stood up in front of 1200 bankers and said this: “if you’re a lobbyist who never gave us money, I didn’t talk to you. If you’re a lobbyist who gave us money, I might talk to you.” So, Mulvaney is telling lobbyists or anyone else that wants to talk to him to pay him a bribe first or no dice….and this tells us all that he doesn’t give a damn about the people he works for, you and me, but just people who will line his pockets but doesn’t stop there…he also tells the bankers that they need to pay other repubs, too, and thinks it is “a fundamental underpinning of representative democracy” to pay-to-play and only people with money should have any say in the government. You know how I feel about this sickening revelation of how the repubs think…and, we can end this crap of government for the rich if we just vote in November….impeach…