Well…it’s been quite a busy day today, had a lot to do to finish up at g’s then on the bike for a good 15 miles. Looks like a pretty good turnout for the Wings game tonight at OT…I have to stop and pick up the traditional chips and dip…maybe that’s why we’re down 2-0, no chips or dip at the last two. I’m doubling up on the gear tonight, too…have my 2008 conference champions shirt under my Hank shirt…have to try something…we need to get going.
One thing that has happened the past few days that is raising some outrage….when did people stop understanding that a “walk” sign means that pedestrians have the right of way (bike riders, too)? Three times I have almost been run over by people that were either idiots or just not paying attention. Stood the bike on the front wheel to keep them from hitting me. geez….
More about Arizona and how thin skinned the righties are…but that’s for tomorrow…
No…need to deal with the righties now…I find it ironic that all of their politics is based on lies and attacking anyone who disagrees with them…then, when Richard Cohen of the Washington Post calls out Newt for his many failings, (not even a very good attack) they scream that it’s not fair to attack him and that’s all the “liberal, socialist, communists” do…talk about the pot calling the kettle black…I know, a too used metaphor but I think of it as an oldie but a goodie…geez.