Well…I have a really, really simple question for every damn repub in this country: How much perjury is enough? How much perjury should Brett Kavanaugh be able to commit before he is rejected for the SC? Eight, nine, ten? It is already documented that he has lied to the senate at least six times…and that is six felonies, folks…but the repubs sit there and conspire to place this unqualified liar on the court for the rest of his life. But this isn’t even the worst of this guy…this is a guy who believes that a sitting president can’t even be questioned about committing crimes…that Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided and he lied to the senate when he said that Roe was “settled law” that he won’t vote to overturn…we have the damn e-mails that prove he was lying and can now understand why the repubs are trying to keep his record secret….even in this day and age, this far right woman hater believes and has stated openly every time that birth control is used by a woman it is in fact “an abortion” and he will vote to outlaw all birth control. What do you think about this guy ladies? Do you want to go back to the days when there was no birth control and families of 9, 10, or 12 kids was commonplace? A vote for Kavanaugh will deliver us back to the bad old days where women were not in control of their bodies or lives…so, place some calls to your senators and get out to vote in November…this one is important, folks….impeach…