Hypocrisy…are you surprised?

Well…I know there are a lot of things happening in politics right now dealing with the controversy in in Virginia where the dem governor is accused of racist behavior and, to our sides credit, everyone from Pelosi on down have called for his resignation….but the thing that pisses me off is everyone on the right is doing the same thing…let’s get this straight right off…to me, any racist behavior no matter when it was by any candidate or politician is disqualifying…no grey area there at all…so I do think Northam should resign….but to see the “good folks” on the right clamoring for his resignation when they continue to give Steve King, Louie Gohmert, and the idiot boy trump a pass on even worse things they do every day is the worst kind of hypocrisy….and anyone on the right can just shut the hell up and let us handle it…and that’s another difference…on the left, we DO handle it…no one gets a pass, no one gets a smirk and a wink when they do something wrong…we have accountability on our side…how about you repubs? Clean up your own house before you open your mouths…geez…

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