Well…just a shorty on an article that I just read a few minutes ago that made me just shake my head at the lack of….well, everything from Ivanka that shows she is just as irony challenged as her idiot father is….attacking AOC and the green new deal which has provisions that would guarantee people a good job with wages that you can actually live on, the younger idiot conflated that promise of a good job to getting free money and not working because, of course she did…saying that “people want to work for what they get” and saying it with a straight face from the woman who has never “worked” a day in her life…what the hell could she know about what working people want? I’m sure the slaves working in the Chinese factories that churn out her crap would like to make enough money to get out and have a better life but does she do anything about it? Nope…just like her idiot father, she does not give a damn about workers anywhere in the world…and the fact she has never worked a day in her life shows that irony is dead to the trumps…just stfu and go back to your penthouse…geez…