Well…how much more depressing can the news get that the new repub controlled house is going back to the bad old days that gave us the financial meltdown….I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised when they went back to the people that gave them money to construct their version of these regulations…but to have businesses and lobbyists come back to write their proposed changes to the ones enacted under the dems is just too much to bear…I mean, really guys? You couldn’t at least have made it look like you weren’t bought in the last election? I am astounded by the repubs going back to their old ways the first frickin day of the new congress…and, I don’t even feel good that I predicted this back in August when it looked like the repubs would be back in control…I really didn’t want to be right, I hoped and hoped that these idiots had leaned something…but, I guess the only thing they learned was that lies and giving the country to the rich works…for them…I fear for the rest of the country….