Well…all of you people who bitched about Nancy Pelosi hanging on to the articles of impeachment until moscow mitch laid out how he plans to coverup trump’s crimes, just take a look at what mitch is doing now…planning to have only two days of presentations that will end up running into the wee hours of the morning, no tv coverage, no witnesses and no documents…so now, the ball is in Adam Schiff’s court and he needs to immediately subpoena Bolton and the rest of them and make them testify to the House…and whether or not this will lead to additional impeachment articles is not the point…the point is that if all of the repub senators lied when they took the oath to be “fair and impartial”, the only recourse for getting at the truth for the American people is to restart hearings in the house and get the subpeonas into the courts, all the while making sure that every damn news organization knows that 70% of the American people want witnesses and documents in the senate trial. Ole moscow thinks that this coverup trial is going to blow over and everything will be just peachy but we’re just getting started…and mitch and his co-conspirators are going to pay dearly for this blatant attack on this country…you listening Steyer and Bloomberg? You want to spend some money to hurt these guys? This is it…hammer it every day that the repubs hate this country and are a bunch of cheaters…and let’s get some of our folks on the news to reinforce how corrupt moscow mitch is…and do it now…