Well….repubs across this country continue to show that they will stop at nothing to steal supreme court seats even if it results in the murder of their people. There is an election today in Wisconsin that the repubs there have been doing everything they can to make sure that the people of Milwaukee (who are predominately African American) don’t get to vote for a dem SC justice candidate since she will win if they can….there are normally 155 polling places in Milwaukee and the repubs in control of the state congress have cut that down to only 5…making up every damn excuse in the book to disenfranchise the people who they know won’t vote for them…and when the dem governor tried to get them to agree to expanded vote by mail for everyone during the pandemic, the repubs said no and took it all the way to the SC where Kavanaugh and Gorsuch delivered what they were installed for…to make sure that the repubs can continue to steal elections. But, during this pandemic, it is even worse because the repubs in Wisconsin are essentially sentencing voters there to choose between voting and death…and the repubs will be responsible for murdering hundreds of their people…but, this doesn’t matter to them at all…the corrupt repub party doesn’t give a damn about anyone but themselves…and they are going to get away with it….