50 years ago today…

Well….May 4th 1970….four dead in Ohio…four students killed at Kent State University for exercising their first amendment rights to protest the actions of their government…this one hurts every year…as a 16 year old kid staring down the very real possibility of going to Vietnam to die for whatever reasons, these murders shattered what was left of the innocence and pride that I felt to be an American…I mean, how can the government send soldiers to kill students who did nothing but assemble and protest? Until that point I believed that the government of the US operated in good faith but that naivete was only the safety blanket that had insulated a 16 year old who only thought of 16 year old things til that day….but the thought of kids who were just a little older than I was being killed just because they pissed off Nixon and the others who were running the government really shocked me and took away the safety that I felt…I still feel that day even 50 years later…and seeing the archival footage  shows me how we haven’t progressed as a nation at all in that 50 years…and I still think Neil’s song says it best…just substitute trump for Nixon….”tin soldiers and Nixon comin, we’re finally on our own…” RIP…..Allison, Sandra, Jeffrey, and William…

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