Well….remember back a few weeks when governor Whitmer extended the stay at home order here in Michigan and the militia crazies showed up at our capital with guns, confederate flags, and trump signs howling at the moon that their constitutional rights were being “violated” as they threatened lawmakers? Now we know that was all bullshit and was just for show…and guess why? The repub governor of Texas did the same thing to attack the coronavirus outbreak there and I can hear the crickets from here in Michigan…not one damn peep for any of the so called “unconstitutional resrtictions on liberty” that they howled about when there is a dem governor in charge….so it had nothing to do with “liberty” or anything but the right wing hatred of anyone who is not a racist repub….Where are the protests of Abbott or Ducey, or DeSantis who did the same thing as governor Whitmer? What a bunch of hypocritical fools…but we knew that, they show it every day….