Well…I’m finding it pretty darn hard to just sit here and do nothing while I wait for the temp to come up enough to get out on the bike in shorts…so, I decided to take a quick trip over to the Leonard street library to drop my ballot off and complete my voting for the election in November. It was a little more work doing the research for the non-partisan part of the ballot than normal since the GR press doesn’t do a voter’s guide anymore and the Mlive site that is supposed to replace it won’t let you access it if you have an ad blocker on and I won’t look at the damn ads and pop ups they try to force you to see….but, I did find the information in other places so no big deal. I think it’s really cool that they have a way to circumvent the post office with all of the damage that trump’s cronies have done to it…and look, voting frickin counts…if we had a repub SOS, there wouldn’t be any drop boxes anywhere in the state or just a few….just like the governor of Texas who decreed that there is only going to be one drop box for every county, a voter suppression method that shows clearly that the repubs will do anything to make sure people can’t vote…and that is because when we vote, we win…so, vote…