Well…I have been waiting for four long, miserable years to write that title…a few minutes ago every news organization (except fox of course) called Pennsylvania for Joe and Kamala and that puts him over the top in the EC and makes him president elect….I can’t really describe the relief I feel that the stain on America, trump, is going to be gone soon and some sort of normalcy is going to come backĀ and we no longer will have a government full of grifters, incompetents, and assholes….I’ll come back a little later and add to this one but right now, all I want to do is read more about it in the news….
Okay, I’m back and I am surprised at how emotional my reaction has been to this good news…I would love to be sitting in a bar right now with like minded people having a few and laughing and smiling but that is one of the blackest of lasting legacies of the idiot in chief…I miss my friends and the surprise text to go out and hang out…but there are so many things I won’t miss…children in cages, ICE agents terrorizing the countryside, having a new law broken every damn day, having that smug orange piece of crap defiling out house, waking up to what new outrage the orange asshole has done, Bill Barr corrupting the justice department, more and more pollution, politicized government, stealing everything for trump’s cronies, incompetence, misogyny, fascism, hate, stupidity, corruption…you get the picture…it has just been so draining to see all of this crap for the past four years that I think I’ve got PTSD….I need to take the rest of this day off and just let all of the stress go….happy days are here again…..