Well…sitting here contemplating going out on the bike for a short one and thought I’d give this one a try…if you didn’t already know it, the repub party is now the party of traitors who are trying to ignore the will of the voters and install idiot boy for another term…and anyone who tries to commit sedition against the US and the 7 million more voters who voted for Biden can only be called traitors. I’m not sure what can be done about it, but if I were Nancy Pelosi, I would make them pay before they are sworn in today…at least a censure on all of 140 repub traitors in the house who have said they will contest the election Wed…or maybe just not seat any of them until they admit that Joe won the election and that any other move to attack this country will be met with expulsion…these morons are so scared of the frothing mob of trump cultists that they will throw the country under the bus just to protect their jobs…and their new talking point is that “millions of people” are concerned about fraud in the election and that is why they are challenging the results…hey morons, the reason these people believe there was fraud is your damn lies about it…and fox news lies about it, and idiot boy’s lies about it…and these folks are so stupid that they think they have a chance of keeping Joe from being elected….but there are 4 still sane repubs that are going to vote to certify Joe’s win and with the dems all voting for it, there is no damn chance of winning the vote….I’ve had enough of this bullshit…idiot boy lost the damn election…and there was no fraud…and no, your fewer votes don’t override the will of the people this time….just get the hell over it…