Gee, criming has consequences…

Well…this just makes me laugh so much…the morons that attacked the capitol on the 6th are really, really surprised that they are being held accountable for trying to overthrow the government and kidnap and murder people…go figure…and to hear them bawl that they didn’t do anything wrong when they are put on the no-fly list or arrested is the icing on the cake…and the great thing is, the consequences are just starting….as the conspiracy is revealed a bit more every day, there are going to be more charges coming….and every damn person who was at the capitol is going to have their lives ruined…as it should be and maybe this will shake some of the right out of their dream world of voter fraud and q-anon…and maybe this time some of the leaders who spurred these morons on will also suffer for it…with a new justice department not run by trump’s cronies is installed next week, a real investigation is going to happen and a lot of people are going to be looking for new jobs….when they get out of jail…

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