Blue states do better….

Well…read an article the other day that may be a surprise to some people but I think I may have talked about this before….the article took a look at the economies of red states vs. blue states and found that, while population is almost even between the states, blue states account for 72% of GDP while red states and their economic policies only account for 28% of GDP…and this means that people in blue states make more money than in red states, are more highly productive, are healthier, and they have better schools than the tax cutting obsessed red states. I will admit that the total tax burden is higher in blue states but the higher incomes and more progressive policies make them better places to live on any measure of quality of life….and I think that’s important along with the idea that in most blue states there is more of “we’re all in this together” attitude instead of the “every man for himself” that pervades red states….as it does under every dem administration at the national level, the economy always does better under dem policies than repub ones….and that is true of the states, too, as the huge disparity in GDP shows….but people in this country continue to vote against their own self interest and elect repubs…and that is something I’ll never understand….

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