Well…just sitting here under a blanket trying to warm up after working on the snow for over an hour and thought I’d talk about the damn miracle that happened this morning in the senate…Joe’s 1.9 trillion dollar covid relief package passed with, of course, no repub support with Kamala casting the vote that broke the tie…it is now over in the house and should be approved later today for a signature by the first of the week. Unlike the 2008 stimulus that was way too small according to every economist who is not a right wing hack…Biden learned that lesson and just ignored the bleating of the repubs who are crying about the deficit…and they only do that when there is a dem president…you heard not one peep from them about the deficit when they passed their tax giveaway to the rich and corporations that added at least 1.9 trillion to the debt….and that wasn’t needed in an economy that was still good after Obama did all of the heavy lifting after the 2008 crash. Now, this relief package is necessary again to lift the economy and give people at least some money to pay their rent and continue to eat….and to my mind, this should just be the start of other targeted economic boosts that should continue until the pandemic is under control…people are hurting out there and we can afford to help them….and me, I hope…