Well…I’ve been waiting quite a few years to write this…rush limbaugh is dead…and when I read the news this morning I actually shouted “good” and I don’t feel bad about it. This cretin was one of the driving factors behind the modern repub party becoming the hate filled, stupid party that it is now…along with fox news, this thug pushed conspiracy theories, lies, and personal attacks against everyone on the left and was one of the authors of the “birther” nonsense that idiot boy trump rode to prominence in the repub party and caused us to be afflicted with trump for four of the most terrible years in the country’s history. I don’t remember actually being happy that someone has died before…I may have in the almost 9,000 of these that I have done…and if I believed in it, I would hope limbaugh is burning in hell for eternity for all of the damage he has done to this country and the world…good riddance…