Well…when is it enough? How many damn people have to die from shootings here in the US before we do something about it? 20 more dead just this week and we don’t even get to absorb what happened in the last one before another one happens….and that is just too much. I think we truly need to start thinking about repealing the 2nd amendment since no one on the right will go along with even the popular, basic first steps to regulate who can buy a gun and what kind…so, let’s just buy back all of them and make guns illegal…okay, I don’t want to go that far but when AR-15′s have been used in almost every damn mass shooting over the past 5 years there is a reason…and that is you can get huge magazines and they are rapid fire…and will empty the mag just as fast as you can pull the trigger….and don’t give me the bullshit that they are necessary for “protection”…from what? The Taliban coming across the East Beltline? I’ve just had enough of the gun fetishists being so damn scared that they need to be armed everywhere and then the rest of us suffer the stress from seeing these idiots carrying guns around and not knowing if this is the time that the idiot goes off and starts shooting. If they won’t compromise, lets just get rid of all guns…no guns, no more mass murders…I’ve had enough…