Well….man, don’t these morons on the right have anything better to do? The latest conspiracy that all of the right wing nut jobs have seized on is that Joe Biden wasn’t driving the Ford electric truck that he was shown driving earlier in the week…and they think that Ford made a truck with two steering wheels so it would look like he was driving but Biden is too old and feeble to drive at all…never mind that he walked over to the truck and climbed in on his own…it is driving that he can’t do. There were even blurry photos that these morons say show a second steering wheel when the picture actually shows a camera sitting on the dash that a SS agent is reaching for to keep it from hitting the floor as Joe floors it…look, it these idiots want to compare Joe to the idiot trump, just look at the video of trump sitting at the wheel of a truck at the WH, not even touching the steering wheel but play driving like a 5 year old would…which one shows competency more? I’ll take the guy that gets in a fast truck and mats the gas…grinning all the time since he is not allowed to drive his 427 Corvette since he became president….those are the rules for presidents….and those on the right are just too stupid to know….