Well….there were lots of racist assholes around when I was a kid and it is still the same after all these years til now….just last week, on the idiot tucker’s show, the racist in chief spewed on and on about white people getting replaced by black and brown people and he lamented that every new immigrant voter (that doesn’t exist) dilutes his political power because white people won’t get everything they want anymore and won’t be able to run everything anymore. Now, this same rant could have been done in the early 60′s and was done by repubs trying to kill the voting rights act…now, as then…it has nothing to do with non citizens voting since that never happens but it has everything to do with people like tucker thinking that only white people should even be allowed to vote….and that hasn’t changed, either, with all of the repub voter suppression laws passed across the country that are specifically to keep non-whites from being able to vote…just like they did during the Jim Crow era. I wonder why people like tucker are so scared of citizens of color voting? Could it be they know that their ideas will be destined for the ash heap of history if they can’t control voting? Things haven’t changed since I was a kid in the 60′s…and it really should have by now…geez…