Boycott Toyota….

Well…damn just got back from riding back on another flat and I am not in a good mood….and that gets me to this…it was revealed yesterday that Toyota gave and is stll giving money to 37 of the repub insurrectionists who voted to destroy our democracy and overturn the results of the 2020 election…and when asked about it, they doubled down with this statement: “we do not believe it is appropriate to judge members of congress solely on their votes on the electoral certification” yep, they think it’s perfectly fine that these assholes tried to overturn the fair election…you know that could lead to them this…”we don’t believe it’s appropriate to judge murderers solely on their murder…” you get the point, they are justifying supporting these folks because, other than overthrowing the government, they are very fine people….now, we should expect this from a company with a huge plant in Kentucky and the fact that the American managers are all right wing assholes….but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t boycott these asses and buy other cars…after all, there are many companies that don’t give money to insurrectionists and build perfectly fine cars here in the US….from what I’ve seen on the internet today, there isĀ  a firestorm building against these tone deaf assholes…nothing more than they deserve….geez…

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