Back to the middle ages…

Well…the repubs truly are trying to take the country back to the middle ages…just yesterday, Tennessee repubs fired the head of vaccinations for telling the truth to a question about whether kids could get vaccinated without their parentsĀ  consent (the SC there said they could)….so the repubs fired her and then went even farther to end any vaccine outreach at all for children…that’s all o fthe effective vaccines…whooping cough, diptheria, measles, mumps, rubella and even polio will no longer even give information out when they are asked that has any state seal on it…the seal has to be removed first and the health department will no longer be allowed to coordinate any vaccine events at schools or anywhere else…and they specifically said it was because the repubs pressured them into it…so now, Tennessee has gone back to before vaccines were developed and are going to willingly kill children just because of some right wing conspiracy theory that was created whole cloth out of lies…but the repubs and right wing media don’t care if they kill a few more children…after all they were responsible for over 400K Americans dying during the pandemic that is still raging in red states so what’s a few more dead to add to the total? I hate those guys….geez…

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