Dems getting things done…

Well…over the past few days, we have seen what can happen when a political party that actually wants to do things for the American people get things done…just yesterday, or this morning at 3:41 am, the dems got the 3.5 trillion dollar bill that will benefit everyone but the rich and corporations and that came after getting a skinny infrastructure bill passed in the senate…and will be followed by the John Lewis voting rights bill that will nullify the 400 repub sponsored voter suppression bills that have been passed on the “big lie” of voter fraud in the 2020 election. All of this in the first 7 months of the Biden administration and with little of no help from the repubs…okay, a few of them voted yes on the infrastructure bill but then went right back to being the assholes they are on every other measure and not one of them voted for any of the other bills that were put up this week…that’s to be expected since the repubs don’t give a damn about anyone but the rich….and you’ve heard me bitch about that before but it’s still true….let’s hope the dems keep the pressure on and finish all this work…personally it will mean I can get the thousands of dollars of dental work done I need with the expansion of Medicare and only be out a couple of hundred in co-pays….so get it done dems…..

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