Well…I guess with Woodward’s new book “Peril” coming out, it’s time for the repub career rehab to continue starting with Lindsey Graham where it states that he vehemently disagreed with the trump voter fraud bleating and found that the evidence was suitable for “third grade”…if that’s the case then why didn’t ole Lindsey say anything to the public and continued to play along with the lies to the point of calling the Georgia Secretary of State and ask him to throw out mail in votes that had “irregularities” with the signatures? And why to this day does ole Lindsey continue to support trump if he does nothing but lie? Look, this is just like ole GW giving a speech last week comparing the capital attackers to the Taliban…where the hell has he been for the past 4 years? Does he think this one speech wilI erase the memory of his failures? I know he loves sitting in his tub and painting but damn, couldn’t he muster just a little concern for the country? After all, he and his administration started the whole lying about everything that the idiot trump grabbed and ran with…so no amount of rehab is ever going to get rid of the stench of failure these traitors will carry the rest of their lives…geez…