Well…gee, who would think that ignoring the virus and doing nothing to fight it wouldn’t work for the repubs? In Florida, Ron DeSantis’ approval rating has plunged to the lower 40′s from the high 50′s in just a couple of months once the milestone of him killing more people than his margin of victory was passed…and, with 99% of those dying being unvaccinated and 99% of those being repubs, the damage is going to get worse….how the hell do you run on killing 50K people and doing nothing for anyone but your rich buddies? The ads write themselves for the 22 election and if Charlie Crist can’t win in this environment, he just needs to go away. Oh, and here’s a funny bit…with the trampling of women’s rights and voting rights in Texas, a new poll shows that Abbott would lose to…wait for it…Matthew McConaughey by almost 10 points if the election was held today…and Abbott’s approval ratings are flirting with the 30′s as many, many tech companies are re-evaluating their moves to Texas as women are turned into second class citizens with less rights than men….I really hope these morons lose and lose big next year…how can you live in Texas or Florida with these assholes in charge? Geez…