Well…as the details become available on the bills wending there way through congress, one thing is clear…seniors get screwed again. Where the initial bill started out with dental, vision, and hearing being added to Medicare coverage…the version of the bill that is going to pass has none of those in it…they may include an 800 dollar “voucher” to cover some dental work but I think they will probably sacrifice that to Manchin and Sinema since they are so in the pocket of big business that don’t want anything good for the people of the country if they can’t make a profit from it. They have no problem giving the Pentagon 46 billion dollars they don’t even want, but they can’t get seniors out of dental pain or pay for community college for our kids….this is such a slap in the face for everyone on Medicare and I hope the dems will use the repub opposition to everything in this bill to beat them over the head with it in 2022…if two fricking repubs would have negotiated in good faith, we could have taken care of a wide swath of the country and made their lives better…made my life better…now, I can afford to spend a couple of thousand on the dental work I need, but the majority of seniors can’t and it is just sick to make them suffer to avoid taxing the rich just a tiny little bit…god, I hate these people….geez….