Well….the dems first big bill has been passed and it is finally, really infrastructure week….not the joke that it was for the past 4 years under the idiot boy…and there was even a few repubs that voted for it, too….this 1.7 trillion dollar bill will get started on fixing the roads, bridges, airports, and every other part of the things that make this country run…along with that, there is money for lead water pipe replacement for the entire country along with broadband internet for underserved areas…but, as always, the repubs are so terrified of the dems being able to run on getting things done for the people of the country that they have started to lie about it…both taking credit for the bill while voting against it and saying that only 11% of the money is going to “real” infrastructure, whatever that is….but it just more of the same sour grapes that always comes from them when the dems get something done…just like they did for the ACA or Obamacare. Now, they need to get moving on the second bill and include the expansion of Medicare that will then cover dental, vision, and hearing care that is supported by 84% of Americans….but that doesn’t matter to Manchin and Sinema…they still don’t want to help people since their owners don’t want it…and that is pretty sick…geez…