Well…you know I read a lot of news every day and you also know that I bitch about the media and how they are covering Joe Biden and the economic progress he has made in his first year…there were screaming headlines about the increase in gas prices in every damn newspaper that went on and on, but have you read a story about how gas prices have fallen over 40 cents a gallon in the past couple of weeks? Yeah, I didn’t think so….and there wasn’t going to be a christmas this year because of supply chain problems and every damn news outlet hammered at that for months and beat on Biden for being optimistic that the problems would be solved before the end of the year? Yeah, Biden was right…and as a sideline to that is that our ports are handling 20% more that any across the world while the rest of the world is flat at best….did you hear that? Nope, didn’t think so….and the latest and greatest ignored data on the economy is that GDP is growing at a 7% rate because of the bills that were passed by the dems…and that is more than twice of any country in the rest of the world and yet, Biden’s approval rating on his handling of the economy is 44% and I think it’s all because the media loves doom and gloom since it is easier to write about….but when we have the best economy in the world and there are no crisis going on, they get pissed because they have to work to get stories…I guess we need to do a better job of touting the improvements our side is responsible for…it’s sure a hell of a lot more than any repub president would have done….geez…