Well…watched Joe Biden’s speech commemorating the January 6th attack on this country and all I have to say go get ‘em, Joe….for the first time, the gloves came off and he put the blame for the attack exactly where it belonged…on the idiot trump’s head…or should I say “the defeated president’s” head as Joe put it….I was happy that he debunked all of the lies about the attack that has been the repub talking points that it was just “tourists” exploring the capital…or that the elections was stolen and hit home that the 2020 election was the most secure and accurate in the country’s history…and he rejected the repubs who have endlessly said that we need to “move on” from January 6th and not live in the past…one good point Joe made that trump puts his needs and ego above everything…the country and the constitution and that is not how the US works…I have been waiting for any dem to come out and say what the truth is…and that is trump and his lies are responsible for this attack on our country…but it took most of the repubs to go along for the attack to happen….I just hope they all pay for it…geez…