Well…do you remember when delta hit and every health care system in the country was overwhelmed? Omicron is worse with warnings going out from almost every system in the country that they are on the verge of collapse with how contagious omicron is…I saw a graphic the other day that even with an N95 mask within 15 minutes in an enclosed space with omicron infected people, you will become infected…and throw in all of the unvaccinated assholes out there that won’t wear masks, and it is even worse…I read just today that every damn unvaccinated person in the country is going to catch omicron by the end of the month and spread it to we who have done the right thing and got vaccinated and boosted…and all of the blather that omicron is less severe than delta doesn’t matter…with how many people who will be infected…many, many more than with delta, hospitals are overwhelmed and people who have symptoms will be turned away to die at home….this is pretty damn dire and we need to do our part…wear a mask, only go out if you have to, stay away from people for the next few weeks…I will go out for groceries once and get enough for me to not go out again until the end of the month…and I will double mask and stay away from people in the store…and hunker down here and not go anywhere for a while….damn, I feel like the walking dead is happening right now….and I want to avoid the zombies….geez…