Well…not sure what is going on but I’ve only read one article on what I think is a big damn deal…this week, the Equal rights Amendment to the Constitution was deemed to be ratified by the Office of Legal Counsel of the department of justice which makes it the 28th amendment to the constitution….and the decades of trying to enshrine the rights of women to be equal to those of men has finally been started by this adoption…it has been a long and hard fight that has been pressed by generations of women across this country and has been fought at every step by white men who think that women are things to be owned and controlled and inherently have no rights other than those given to them by these men….and this crap goes on here in 2022 with laws written by men that limit the control that women have over their own bodies and that are exploding in repub controlled states across the country….and when the repubs take over states that have ratified the amendment, the first thing they do is try to de-ratify it…just like they did to the 14th and 15th amendments that were ratified just after the Civil war and that the supreme court has rejected time after time…imagine that, this same party has not grown past the 1870′s where they objected to the 14th amendment that grants equal protection under the law…and the repubs didn’t want equality then and they sure don’t want women to be equal to them now. I will be interested to see how the repubs fight now to keep this amendment from being implemented…I’m sure it will go all the way to the supreme court and with the right wing assholes that sit on the court and ignore precedent in their ongoing efforts to push their right wing ideology, it is still going to be a hard fight since these idiots don’t think that anyone should have rights except repubs…geez…