Well…this whole idea of the gulf oil spill being “Obama’s Katrina” that is being pushed by the delusional righties is so egregiously political that I have to add a few more comments before I let it go. First, the idea of comparing a natural disaster to a man-made one is a false analogy at best; and at worst a blatant attempt to re-write history and minimize the failures of the Bushies to do what government is supposed to do…take care of it’s citizens in the event of natural disaster. The role of government is not to go around cleaning up after companies that have made world record profits on the backs of Americans, and then, just like the banks, move the costs for their mistakes to the government. Why are the righties screaming that Obama is not doing enough when they yell out of the other side of their mouth that government is too big and we are on the path to socialism. YOU CAN’T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS….or I guess you can when all of the their followers only watch Fox news…Geez….