Watch out Gym Jordan…George is coming for you…

Well…I know you’ve heard of the trump toady, Jim Jordan, the rep from Ohio who is probably one of the nastiest people in all of the congress and who continues to push the lies about the 2020 election and all the other lies about the dems on a daily basis…but he is most well known, in some circles, for his ignoring the sexual abuse of athletes at Ohio State when he was a wrestling coach there and allowing it to continue for years….and then claiming he never saw anything even though multiple athletes testified that they told him when the abuse was going on and he did nothing to stop it. So far, he has avoided any consequences for his lack of action and the coverup that came after the abuse…but, that just may change in the near future with the announcement that George Clooney is going to produce a documentary about the scandal…and will pierce the bubble of coverup that has allowed Jordan to get elected to congress and avoid any responsibility for his complicity in this abuse…I really do hope that Jordan and everyone like him whether they are repubs or dems will finally pay for ignoring the abuse of people who they are supposed to be protecting…but, I don’t know if I have any hope that this will happen…after all, the head of the repub party has abused and sexually assaulted many, many women and has never been held responsible for it….and the repubs like it that way….geez…

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