Well…with the failure of the racist repubs in the senate to block Judge Jackson’s elevation to the supreme court that will happen later in the week, these same assholes have started to say the quiet thing out loud, that they will never allow another dem president to put another justice on the supreme court. This is not how it is supposed to work as these same hypocrites say that Jackson is qualified but her “ideology” is what they are voting against….and with that the repubs abandon the idea that has been one guiding principle in elevating judges to the supreme court, that they are there to rule on the law using precedent and sound legal reasoning without an agenda or ideology…but with the all of the repub appointed justices, it is clear that the repubs are okay with ideology influencing the court’s decisions if it is right wing ideology…and the blunt fact is that their use of ideology is just a substitute for race since the repub party is filled with racists and they just hate the idea of having a black woman judge telling them what to do. So now, with the admission that the repubs will not do their job and approve dem justices to the SC when they are nominated, the dems need to get on expanding the court right now to take the incentive away for this obstruction…after all, if there is no reward for being the assholes they are, maybe they will be less of one…yeah, I know, have you seen these guys? They just love being assholes and don’t need any incentive…geez…