Well…you know, I’m pretty confused about how the heck the repub party turned into the party of Putin over the past few years…from the idiot trump’s kissing his ass and aiding him in trying to bring down the Ukraine, to the 68 repubs in the house who just his week voted against supporting NATO and the collecting of evidence of war crimes that Russian soldiers are committing there, what the heck is going on? It can’t be that it is just the hatred of anything dem that is motivating these traitors, so what is it? I did read an article the other day that said that the repub support of Putin is just another facet of the party’s hard swing to the right we’ve seen since the idiot trump made it okay to be a traitor, a racist, and a genuine asshole to anyone…and modeled the Putin ass kissing that the entire party seems to do now. When I was younger, the repubs had one thing they were known for and that was to be against the Soviet Union and it’s meddling in the world but now they seem to like it since it “owns the libs” and pisses us that are in the right off…is that their only reason for treason? Yeah, that one was a little cute but does describe what these idiots are doing…and still, no one holds them accountable because mcconnell and mccarthy are just drooling for power and don’t care how they get it…geez…