Let’s remember this about Elon….

Well…before anyone else feeds the world the bullshit that Elon Musk is  a “self made” man, let’s remember this about him…he was born rich in South Africa where his father owned an emerald mine and made his money on the backs of black laborers in the apartheid era when they were treated as little better than slaves and who lived in shanty towns with no running water or any other services like electricity while Elon and his family lived in a palatial estate and that he inherited along with the mine…so it’s bullshit that he “built” everything that he has…like most other billionaires, he started out with a few hundred million from daddy or grandpa and then used the power of that money to get where he is…and when you see the union busting tactics at his tesla plants and the widespread racism that permeates them, and the fact that he was a regular visitor at the idiot boy’s WH tells you all you need to know about him….he is not someone to hold up as any sort of  a role model, after all, he can come up with 44 billion to buy twitter but whines, whines, and whines about having to pay any taxes at all…just another billionaire moocher whose companies wouldn’t exist without the largess of the US people and government….geez….

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