And you thought it couldn’t get any more nuts…

Well…as I sit here waiting for the temp to come up enough so I don’t freeze my butt off working outside…and no, I didn’t get on the indoor bike today so I needed to do something else…and this is it. Just read about the latest conspiracy theories that coming out of the right this week and they just can’t get any more nuts than this…okay, I’ve said that before but damn, this is just crazy…oh, crap..buried the lede again…when someone was interviewing some of the deplorables at a trump hate rally this weekend, the true believers have a new on to believe…and that is that Biden is being played by a bunch of actors since he is too feeble to do anything and his handlers are hiding him in the WH basement so they can continue to control the world…and guess who a couple of the actors in rubber masks are? Jim Carrey, for one and James Woods for another….never mind that Woods is a huge trump supporter but he is doing it for some reason that has something to do with the tired old meme that the idiot boy trump is going to be reinstated any day now once all is revealed…and I guess he can do more damage to Biden from the inside? Jim Carrey had a bunch of pretty funny responses on twitter and can’t really understand why they singled him out to get sucked into their delusions but he is having fun with it…oh, and in the interview that I saw, the man who was standing next to the crazy assed woman who was being interviewed had on a t-shirt that read “trump and JFK junior 2024″….and I wondered how that person can even function with no firm grasp on reality….this is one of the nuttiest things I have seen in quite a while…but I will admit I don’t immerse myself in the fever swamps of the modern repub party…sometimes I dip a toe in just for a topic but then use a ton of disinfectant to make sure the infection doesn’t spread to my brain…geez…

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