Susan Collins was “mislead”…

Well…right on cue, Susan Collins tries to shift the blame for the decimation of Roe to her being “mislead” by Kavanaugh and Gorsuch when they baldly lied to her face when they told her that they wouldn’t vote to overturn Roe if she were to vote to confirm them to the court…but, here’s the deal, everyone in this country but Susan Collins knew they were lying…as I said while the hearings for both of these right wing liars were going on, they were sitting there in the senate smirking all the time since they knew they were lying, too, and they knew the fix was in and they could basically say anything they wanted and they would be confirmed…so when Collins says she was mislead, it’s all a bunch of bullshit…she was in on the meetings where the whole scam was discussed by mcconnell and the rest of the repubs and that’s probably where the whole “Susan Collins is concerned” act was thought up to give her cover for her next election…so, just shut the hell up Susan…I won’t use the term of respect of senator because you don’t deserve it…you’ve just hurt 51% of Americans and no lie you can comeĀ  up with is going to change that…

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