Well..is anyone else as damn tired of the repubs as I am? These assholes spent this whole week bitching that Biden isn’t doing enough to fix the baby formula shortage here in the US…of course, Biden has been working with business and the congress to get formula flowing again and he asked for 28 million dollars for the emergency shipping of formula from Europe and Canada….and guess what every damn repub but 9 did when the bill came up in the house? They all voted against it…yep almost all of them voted against any measures to solve the problem, showing that it was all just them being assholes when they bitched about it…and really drives the point home that the repubs don’t want to govern at all…they just want to burn the US down to get their jollies and make their crazy assed base happy. Finally, Biden is starting to get that you can’t negotiate with these pricks, you can’t “partner” with them to get things done, and they don’t give a damn about this country…just scoring political points that will get them on fox news later in the day…and every one of them needs to go…