Well…I wonder why it’s always the repubs who are the ones committing election fraud? Okay, we know why…they don’t believe the law applies to them and they can’t win without cheating….and just yesterday every damn one of the repubs who are running in the primary for governor here in Michigan were found to have faked almost half of the signatures they needed to qualify for the ballot. So, all of these law and order folks broke the law before they were even in an election…I wonder what they would stoop to if they are in the election against Whitmer? I am just so damn tired of these assholes constantly trying to tear down our democracy by this cynical bullshit…are they so unpopular that they can’t get the signatures legally or are they just too damn lazy to follow the law and do it right? I think it would be funny if all of them were thrown out of the election for fraud before the primary is even held and they have to dig even farther down in their rotten barrel to come up with a candidate….this should be in every Whitmer ad in the general in the fall and every reporter should ask any repub about what they knew and when they knew it about the fake nominating signatures….and ask why they have such contempt for our democracy that they would cheat to get elected…..geez…