January 6th hearing….

Well…I read a lot of the news every day…maybe too much but I was still surprised at the new facts that were presented during the first January 6th hearing last night. While everyone felt that the idiot trump was the center of all of it, in this first hearing it was made explicitly clear that the whole damn thing was directed by idiot boy through his minions in the repub party and they all knew they were breaking the law with the bombshell that most of the repub house members who voted against certifying the votes then asked for pardons before the idiot was out of office….and trump himself was told multiple times that he was spewing a lie when he said the election was “stolen” from him but he didn’t care since he was doing everything he could to stay in office including committing treason. One of the things that I didn’t like was the elevating of Mike Pence to some sort of here for doing his ceremonial job and certifying the electoral votes…let’s just remember that he had his head up trump’s ass for 4 years and said nothing about all of the crimes that were being committed in that 4 years…and then the lionization of Liz Cheney for doing her damn job…I do appreciate what she is doing now, but lets remember that until this committee work, Cheney was just another super right wing repub who loved tax cuts for the rich and hated onĀ  LGBTQ people just like the rest of the repub party….I think the committee did a good job in laying out the overview of what is going to be revealed in the next 5 hearings and making the clear point that it was all trump…and without him none of this would have happened….and that is the most damning piece of information of all…

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