Well…don’t the geniuses running the repub party understand that screwing with sick veterans is not a winning issue for them? I guess they thought they could get away with not funding their healthcare like they’ve gotten away with screwing the country over for decades, but something has changed and I think it’s Jon Stewart. Jon has been out there lambasting them on every news show that there is since they voted against the bill last week…and he was pulling no punches just like he did when he fought for healthcare for the first responders in NYC who put their lives on the line on 9/11….and this time all of lies that the repubs were spouting about 400 billion dollars of pork in the bill didn’t work and now they are backpedaling so fast that their shoes are smoking….and Chuck Schumer has promised that the bill will come up for a vote again this week, putting the repubs on the record…again, if they vote against it…the difference this time is that the media has a spotlight on the bill and if they do vote against it, they are going to have to explain those votes…and jsut a few minutes ago, turtle mcconnell has said the bill is going to pass this week the pressure has been so high on him and his fellow traitors…so, thank you Jon for all your had work to take care of our sick veterans…pretty damn good for a “minor celebrity” to quote Pat Toomey….