Well…the general consensus is that the president’s party loses seats in the midterm election in normal years…but this is is far from normal and the polls are showing some surprising changes that none of the pundits saw coming…and those changes can be seen in the vote in Kansas Tuesday where almost 70% of voters turned out to ensure that women’s rights were not destroyed by the repub majority…and the overall turnout was higher than any midterm in history….and that is all we need to keep the senate and house…turnout of our side since there are a lot more of us than there are of them. In three senate races, our side is ahead and if that holds, we end up with a Manchin proof majority in the senate where we can expand the supreme court to make Alito and his other liar colleagues shut the hell up…and prevent them from doing any more damage. So, folks…get out and vote, that’s all we need to do to make sure the adults are running this country and we can have nice things again…and the rich assholes start paying their fair share of taxes….so vote…vote…vote…