Well…with Joe Biden going on the attack and finally realizing that you can’t compromise with any repub these days, it appears that the US is feeling the same as I am, that they like this new Joe Biden…and that is shown by his approval ratings gaining 7 points in just one month to higher than any president in the past 50 years in his second year of presidency….and I just loved the way he turned Greene’s criticism against student debt relief around and showed how ridiculous she is by highlighting she took a 200K PPP loan during the pandemic that was forgiven and she didn’t have to pay that back….and iced that with dismissing her by not even saying her name…pretty damn good, Joe….now let’s keep this winning going right into the mid terms and maybe, just maybe we will still control all of the government in November and can get a lot more things done…even though you’ve already done more in the first two years than any president in history…and not tax cuts for the rich but legislation that helps the rest of us…and that is something to applaud…Go Joe….