It’s about time…

Well…with the repubs doing what they always do, holding the world hostage by threatening to not raise the debt ceiling, I was happy the other day when leading dems just flatly refused to negotiate with them, saying that they are not giving the repubs a “cookie” to get them to do their damn jobs. I sure hope the dems stick with it this time and don’t cave to public pressure…the last time the repubs did this, there was a bloodbath of election losses in the next election and there will be again…and that would make McCarthy just another loser repub that couldn’t get anything done….and we need to get out in front of this right now…putting the blame right where it belongs and keep hammering it until 2024 when we will take back the house and keep the senate and it will help Biden get elected again if he runs…as the saying goes “you don’t negotiate with terrorists…and that is just what the repubs are…economic terrorists…geez…

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