Well…I like the new Joe Biden…just today he attacked the repubs attempts to crash the economy so they can force cuts to SS and Medicare by releasing a fact sheet that shows that repub plans would increase the debt by 3 trillion dollars while Joe’s plans would cut it by almost two trillion…and that shows that the repubs using the debt for anything is just so much bullshit and lies…and Joe was blunt in a speech yesterday when he pointed out that the first bill the repubs passed would add 114 billion to the debt to protect tax cheats…and the 159 billion they would add to the debt by repealing reforms to medicare drug pricing…and they want to repeal corporate tax increases would add 269 billion to the debt….you get the picture…the repubs are willing to crash the world’s economy for the lie that they care about the debt when the only thing they care about is getting rid of Medicare and SS as they have since the start of them…but they won’t…for that they will need complete control of the country and that is not going to happen soon…I love the fact that Joe is getting aggressive in pointing out the truth…he needs to keep it up…geez…